Welcome to Badge Behavior

We provide professional law enforcement training for America’s finest forces. Thomas Broxtermann, Ph.D., of the San Diego Police Department teaches job-specific training courses to law enforcement personnel across California. His dynamic, entertaining teaching style, combined with his decades of experience as a policeman, has earned him the respect of his peers both in the law enforcement and the education communities.
Now you can view Dr. Broxtermann’s class calendar online, and more easily browse the available courses. Contact Dr. Broxtermann with any questions about his courses and teaching availability.


About Thomas J. Broxtermann, PhD

Senior Consultant/Trainer


Motivational expert Thomas Broxtermann is a keynote speaker known for his entertaining, customized and expertise in many subjects, including utilizing verbal skills to avoid physical confrontation as well as training how to deal with stress, anger management, and a complete host of other interesting topics.

His extensive background as a veteran street cop and a university professor in Criminal Justice and Forensics gives him a unique teaching skill set. This on-the-job experience, combined with his down-to-earth teaching style, makes him a highly engaging, sought-after speaker in America. Participants feel comfortable in his motivational speaking courses feeling enriched by the experience.

His professional entertaining delivery style with humor combined with in-depth research and an innovative approach makes him a favorite for corporate events and association meetings to achieve maximum success.


"Bring him back! We need more of this kind of training."

"I appreciated the 'hands-on' skill building from the instructor."

"You don't usually see one like this. In a job that is so easy to get/become bitter and biased, it's nice to have some positive energy for a change."

“Fast paced and very informative. I’ve never had an STC class that I’ve enjoyed so much."

"Broxtermann’s classes are hilarious and you still learn at the same time. What a concept."

"The time flew by today. I wish all classes could be taught by Broxtermann."

"I’ve taken verbal judo classes before, but Broxtermann’s class is so much better. He keeps learning fun and exciting. I’ve never laughed so much."

"You don't usually see one like this. In a job that is so easy to get/become bitter and biased, it's nice to have some positive energy for a change."

"Great interaction with the students. Kept the class interested for the entire class. Very interesting and amusing. The day flew by!"

"Very experienced instructor and very knowledgeable about the subject he was teaching."


Great New STC Certified Classes for the Spring 2018 training year!


Weapon Identification

Probation officers are encountering more and more weapons when they visit with clients. This class will discuss current California weapons law. Students will gain a basic understanding of California law pertaining to possession, shooting, concealed carry, manufacturing, gun-free school zones and storage. Secondly, students learn how to make these weapons "safe" when discovered in the field. Weapons include handguns (semi auto, revolver), rifles (full auto, semi auto, bolt action, antique), sub-machine guns, shotguns, and other commonly discovered weapons. Students will also learn firearm nomenclature, replica/simulated weaponry, and chain of evidence considerations to reinforce proper field handling.

Developing A More
Positive Attitude

Developing A More Positive Attitude

Excellent class that helps employees truly appreciate all the positives they have going for them, instead of spending their life focusing on the negative aspects their job and life.  Incredible reviews!!!

Ethics in Law Enforcement

Ethics in Law Enforcement

Employees attending this training will learn the meaning of ethical behavior and it's importance in the field of law enforcement. Maintaining proper conduct both on and off-duty are stressed, along with what it means to be a "professional." In addition, learning to be an "ethical role model" for other staff and employees will assist the individual in a commitment to excellence.  

CPR, First-Aid, AED, Blood Borne Pathogens

CPR, First-Aid, AED, Blood Borne Pathogens

Excellent refresher class taught by Thomas Broxtermann.  Class has received excellent evaluations from attendees who have completed the class. 

De-escalation of threatening probationary subjects in the field

De-escalation of threatening probationary subjects in the field

Huge liability issues can and do develop as we have all seen in recent news accounts from across the United States when officers lose control of themselves and the situation.

Elder Abuse

Elder Abuse

Taught by an experienced elder abuse detective.  This course addresses the peace officer training requirements of Section 2951 (f)(1) of the Probate Code. It addresses elder abuse laws, recognition of financial abuse and fraud, assessment of mental competence in accordance with the standards set forth in Part 17 (commencing with Section 810) of the Probate Code, reporting requirements and procedures for the investigation of financial abuse and related crimes, including neglect, and civil and criminal procedures for the protection of the victims. The course further addresses the perpetrators of elder abuse, additional crimes related to the offense and the human and psychological trauma involved with this crime.